
  1. Kim, J., Park, C., Gott, J.R., & Dubinski, J. 2009, ApJ, 701, 1547
  2. Dubinski, J., Kim, J., Park, C., & Humble, R. 2004, New Astronomy, 9, 111
  3. Kim, J. & Park, C. 2006, ApJ, 639, 600

It is required that these articles be cited if the data below are used.


Mock SDSS-III Survey Data

All-sky mock SDSS-III surveys are made at eight locations in the simulation cube. The observational locations are chosen so that the surveys do not overlap with one another. The positions and velocities of the CDM particles are saved as they first cross the past light cone, and the subhalos are identified on the past light cone surface. The comoving number density of subhalos is evolving, and the catalogs contain the subhalos more massive than some limit at each redshift to maintain the mean distance between subhalos in comoving space of 15 Mpc/h, which is intended to mimic the SDSS-III Luminous Red Galaxy survey. The catalogs are in "C" binary format. Please refer to readme for information on how to read them.

Ultra-deep halo data

On Feb. 23rd 2011, we begin to service new halo data of mass greater than $9\times 10^{12} h^{-1} M_\odot$ in the deep past lightcone space. PSB halos (satellite+central subhalos & isolated halos) are distributed in the spherical past-lightcone space up to z=1.3 which corresponds to $2864 h^{-1}\,\mathrm{Mpc}$ in the WMAP 5 year cosmology. Click here to get those data. FoF halo data on the same past-lightcone space will be available upon request.

Snapshot subhalo data

Subhalos are identified by the PSB method (Kim et al. 2008; for an original version, see Kim & Park 2006) which uses the tidal radius and total energy as criteria to identify member particles of each subhalo. Please refer to readme to get information to read them.

Snapshots of FoF halo data

FoF halos are identified by the FoF method which is parallelized with the MPI package. The linking length is set 0.2 times the mean particle separation and the minimum halo mass is set to $1.47\times10^{13} M_\odot/h$ which roughly corresponds to the collective 50-particle mass. Please refer to readme to get information on how to read them.

Subhalo data in cosmic pizza

Subhalos identified by the PSB method will be available upon requests.


Announcement (Jan. 17, 2009): The mock SDSS-III survey data released previously have problems in velocities which were miscalculated by erroneously setting $z=0$. To obtain the correct value, the velocity should be divided by $(1+z)^2$ where $z$ is the redshift of each halo. Now, the current data is corrected. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience.